Measurement and Evaluation of Quality of Life Indicators in Rural Areas of Masjed Soleiman City

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Geography and Rural Planning Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Quality of life is a concept used to indicate one's satisfaction with life and, in other words, a criterion for determining the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of individuals and groups with different dimensions of life. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and measure the economic, social and environmental indicators of quality of life in rural areas of Masjed Soleiman. This is a descriptive-analytical study, In terms of purpose, it is practical and in terms of data collection, field. The statistical population of the study is Masjed Soleiman villages and 400 people were selected as statistical sample using Cochran formula. Statistical methods (descriptive and inferential) and IBM SPSS Statistics v22 and EXCEL 2013 softwares were used for data analysis. The inferential results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between all dimensions of quality of life of rural households. The highest correlation was between economic and social dimensions and the lowest correlation between economic and environmental dimensions of quality of life.
