Physical Parameters Impact on Oil Spill Trajectory By GNOME Around Siri Island

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Marine Science and Technology .University of Hormozgan ,Bandar Abbas,Ira

2 Faculty of Marine Science and Technology .University of Hormozgan ,Bandar Abbas,Iran

3 National Oceanographic Research Institute, Oceanographic Data Group and Remote Sensing


In order to track oil spill, GNOME model is used which can analyze wind and current data
affecting this phenomenon as well as oil type and amount of leaked oil within 72 hours. For this purpose, a three-day simulation of oil leakage and its distribution was carried out in different volumes for five oil operating areas in Siri oil region. Simulation was executed separately in four different seasons. After the modeling process, different makeup distribution and spread of oil spils in the desired situations and its effect on the coast of the region were examined. Based on the results, in the three seasons of summer, autumn and winter, wind is the main factor in determining the fate of oil spill. The results also show that in spring and autumn, the cycles are strong and affect the oil spill, especially in the spring, when the wind is weaker. It can also be said that the oil fields of Esfand, Nusrat, Sivand and Dena can seriously affect the coasts of the Siri island, Greater Faror and Little Faror, and these coasts are exposed to oil pollution.
