Investigation effective factors on the sustainable consumption pattern of organic food in Zahedan (with Tobit Hackman approach)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan



The main factor in the formation and development of organic agriculture is consumer demand, and developed countries have provided the ground for increasing consumer demand by creating health awareness and knowledge, environmental and health issues. Sustainable consumption of organic food is very important in international categories, because it affects individual and public health, natural resources, social and economic cohesion.
The novelty of this research is that so far no research has been done on the study of effective economic, social and cultural factors and health (simultaneously) on the pattern of sustainable consumption of organic food in Zahedan and this study look for to identify the factors that cause consumption sustainable organic food in Zahedan can be estimated by Tobit Hackman method and from this perspective this research is novel.
The percentage of demand for organic food consumption in this study has been asked and to what extent economic, social and cultural variables and health affect the consumption of organic food, the Tobit Hackman method has been used. The main reason for using the Tobit model is the defect of logit and probit patterns in distinguishing between factors affecting decision making and factors affecting the amount of activity.
Therefore, by estimating the parameters of the Tobit model in two steps, it is possible to distinguish the factors influencing the decision from the factors influencing the desire to consume organic food, and as a result, the role and effectiveness of each of these factors in the dual groups is better defined.
The statistical population in this study is all households in Zahedan in 2020. In this study, data were collected through a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with families living in Zahedan. The information collected to investigate the factors affecting the consumption of organic food in Zahedan is described in Table 1. Table 1 is the dependent variable (percentage of organic food use) y and 28 dependent variables from x1 to x28 are the independent variables in this study. The study sample includes 384 households in Zahedan which was determined by simple random sampling and the Hekman Tobit model was estimated.
The tendency to consume organic food is determined by a set of economic and non-economic motivations (social, cultural and health). In this study, the factors affecting the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan have been studied.
The results of estimating the Tobit model for the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan are presented in Table 2. Based on the results of Table 2, age, number of households, experience, income, going to the cinema, going to exhibitions, attending environmental meetings, going to meetings, using cyberspace, percentage of cyberspace use, food labeled consumption, exercise, high income and other food prices Inorganic has had a positive and significant effect on the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan. In other words, 11 of the 28 independent variables have had a positive effect on the tendency to consume organic food. Also, the variables of geographical location, gender, amount of meat consumption, use of chemicals, consumption of non-organic products have a negative and significant effect on the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan and also 6 independent variables out of 28 independent variables on the tendency to consume food Organic has a negative effect. Some cultural variables such as going to the cinema, going to exhibitions, attending music sessions have led to an increase in the consumption of organic food in Zahedan. Among the social variables, age, number of households, experience and participation in environmental meetings have had a positive effect on the consumption of organic and healthy food in Zahedan. Among the health variables, exercise and food labeling have had a positive effect on the consumption of organic food, and the consumption of meat and the use of chemicals and the comparison of organic food with non-organic products on the desire to consume organic and healthy food. It has a negative effect in Zahedan. Economic variables of household income and high income and prices of other inorganic foods have a positive effect on the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan and it can be interpreted that households with higher income and welfare tend to consume more organic and healthy food. And health issues are more important to them and the price of other inorganic foods is high, which has a positive effect on the consumption of organic and healthy foods in Zahedan.
The results of the probit model are estimated using the maximum likelihood method. By performing tests and using the probability ratio test, the coefficient of determination, the percentage of accuracy of the correct prediction of the probit model in the first stage of the two-stage Hackman model was estimated. The results of the second stage of the Hackman two-step method using the ordinary least squares method are shown in Table 3. The inverse significance of Mills ratio indicates that the variables affecting the decision to consume organic food in Zahedan are not the same as the determinants of the desire to consume organic food and show that in this study the two-stage Hackman method has been used correctly. The presence of Mills inverse ratio eliminates the existence of variance inequality in the original model and provides the use of a linear regression model. Among the variables studied in this study, age, number of household members, experience and information, income, going to the cinema, use of cyberspace, percentage of cyberspace use, food labeled consuming and exercising and high income (welfare), price of other non-food Organic, geographical location, gender, going to exhibitions, attending environmental meetings, attending music sessions, meat consumption, use of chemicals, high income, price of inorganic food and consumption of inorganic products on the tendency to consume organic food in Zahedan city has had a significant effect. In other words, among 28 independent variables, the effect of 20 variables in the second stage has had a significant effect on the desire to consume organic food. The most influential factor in the second stage (at least ordinary squares) is the variable of the percentage of cyberspace use, which has been very effective on the desire of Zahedan citizens to consume. After that, the gender variable of people has had a significant impact on the consumption of organic products by the citizens of Zahedan.
The results showed that among the social factors, the percentage of cyberspace use had the greatest impact on the desire to consume organic food. Among the health variables, exercise has the greatest impact on the tendency to consume organic foods. Here are some suggestions. First, since exercise has a positive effect on the tendency to consume organic food, cultural and sports issues should be used to promote public sports in society to encourage people to consume organic food. Second, it is suggested that given that organic food fairs have a positive effect on the desire to consume organic food, people should be encouraged to participate in organic food fairs. It is also suggested that since cyberspace, which has the most positive and significant effect on household awareness of organic food consumption, people should be encouraged to use cyberspace. Thirdly, considering the economic factor influencing the price of organic food on the tendency to consume organic food, it is recommended that the government control the price of organic food to protect consumers. Finally, the importance of environmental meetings that have a significant impact on the pattern of consumption of organic food in Zahedan should be given special importance and with the increase of public awareness of the environment led to an increase in the consumption of organic food in society.
