Designing a hotel in Lavasan with (environmental preservation approach)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Damavand Branch, Damavand, Iran



In the world we live in, the tourism industry has undoubtedly become one of the strong foundations of the global system. The rapid and continuous growth of the tourism industry has influenced Iran as well, which can pave the way for the development and expansion of this industry due to the tourist attractions in our country. On the other hand, in the whole world, due to the existence of basic problems such as excessive consumption of energy and its high economic costs, the use of renewable energy from the sun in order to reduce energy consumption has become very important. In this regard, using methods such as photovoltaic panels can greatly help in reducing energy consumption and reducing the harmful environmental effects of buildings. The importance of the number of suitable accommodation centers in the country made the design of a five-star hotel with an environmental protection approach by using solar energy to be considered. In this regard, it has been tried to use quantitative and qualitative method in the software, analytical and descriptive part in collecting information and case examples and by using modeling in software as well as choosing a suitable site in Lavasan with the aim of providing a part of the building needs that It has reached 42% of its electricity production.
Keywords: solar energy, photovoltaic, renewable energy

Introduction and statement of the problem
Today, due to the advancement of technology and the vast facilities for traveling from one point to another, the number of travelers and travelers around the world has increased. And depending on their goals, the duration of their trips becomes shorter or longer, such as business and administrative trips which are mainly short-term and religious, touristic and recreational trips are long-term, and one of the factors that create satisfaction in travel is the accommodation of tourists. Therefore, hotels and accommodation have a direct relationship with tourism Designing a hotel or a suitable complex with standard and international facilities and facilities in various fields such as accommodation, recreation, tourism, sports, etc. can become a factor for more tourists to come, in addition to the attractions of the region. Creating a suitable environment for travelers of different ages and different needs can motivate travelers to travel to that area. Travelers coming to the hotel and using the facilities of the complex and seeing the tourist attractions of the region will cause tourists to invest in the region and economic prosperity, and as a result, improve the living conditions of the natives. Iran has many sunny days due to its special geographical location and has a high potential for receiving and benefiting from solar energy. But unfortunately, the exploitation and construction of the technology required to receive and use this clean, God-given and free energy has not yet reached international standards in Iran, and Iran's share of the proper use of this energy is only one percent of the world's total. Scientific records of the subject
Doan, Hulusi et al., 2013 in a research titled Is architectural innovation a competitive advantage for hotels in the tourism industry? What do customers, managers and employees think about it? which was presented at the 9th International Conference on Strategic Management, investigated the role of architecture in attracting tourists and benefited from the opinions, clients, employees and managers.
Dargahi, Solmaz et al., 2014, in a research entitled the role of hotel architecture in the development of tourist attraction, to investigate important factors in hotel design in order to attract tourists, in other words, to know the effective factors in hotel architecture design that influence the choice of tourists. Paid.
Research questions
How to design a modern and practical five-star hotel?
How can 5-star hotels be equipped with solar energy absorption?
How can you design using the potentials of Lavasan region to reduce energy consumption?

research method
Based on the purpose, the present research is applied, and in terms of the nature and type of study, it is among the descriptive-analytical researches (simulation energy modeling). In order to collect information, both library and field methods were used, as well as Rhino, Grass Hopper, Galapagos, Karamba Concept and plan and volume design software.

Comparison of the total amount of energy required by the building in 3 modes (source: author)

As it is known, the amount of energy consumption in the initial state is 19.69 Kwh, if we use the second shell per M2, we have energy consumption of 13.48 Kwh, in other words, we have 6.21 Kwh energy saving or 31.53%, and if we use PV For each M2, we consume 11.42 Kwh of energy, in other words, we have 8.27 Kwh of energy savings, or 42%.

Conclusion According to the investigated systems as well as the needs of the hotel, the use of systems that consume less energy is a more important priority, in general, many factors play a role in choosing the type of installation systems of a complex, which should be based on environmental conditions, initial price, available resources and The needs of each project are reviewed by expert engineers and the most suitable ones are selected. Therefore, according to the investigated factors and needs, considering the multi-functionality of different installation needs for each part, the best solution is to use a combined system. For example, in some areas such as the pool, a central engine room is used to generate heat, as well as a floor heating system in the pool area or in some other areas of the complex, and a chiller is used for cooling. In the heat and cold distribution and exchange systems, systems that have a lower frequency and also have a good condition in terms of energy efficiency are used as the desired system. Therefore, the best option for heat transfer is the floor heating system as well as the ceiling cooling systems, which according to the explanations presented in this chapter are known as low-cost systems that can be more useful than other installation systems and have better efficiency. On the other hand, the addition of the clean energy system and the use of the photovoltaic system and the use of emerging gallium arsenide panels that have high efficiency can provide a significant amount of the required energy, which is very promising and reduces the costs of such buildings.
