Potentiometer of energy production from various waste disposal technologies of Amol city

Document Type : Original Article


1 university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduate faculty of environment, University of Tehran

3 Iranian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology,Tehran,Iran

4 Faculty of Paramedicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Amol, Iran


One of the problems of the development of urban life and the modern lifestyle in human societies is the high waste generation and management of these wastes. Waste is a substance that is not usable at the place of production for the producer. But they can be applied elsewhere. One of the methods for waste management alongside recycling of recoverable materials is the production of energy and fertilizer from the waste. In this article after the quantitative and qualitative introduction of waste of Amol city, the method of biogas production is discussed as an effective method in waste management in Amol city, then the potential of biogas production from corrosive organic parts of Amol waste (about 65% of it) has been analyzed. Biogas contains combinations of methane and carbon dioxide. Based on the findings of this research, by installing landfill bioreactors, anaerobic digestion and waste incinerators in Amol city respectively, have the potential for energy production is 13.5, 14 and 2.4 megawatts that that,13/5 and 14 MW are CHP generators with about 40% electrical efficiency (respectively 6 and 7.2 megawatts).
