Investigating the economic Impacts of the Paris Climate Change Agreement on the Iranian Economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of economics

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 Economy Department , economy & management Faculty , bahonar University , Kerman , Iran


Paris climate change agreements, including broad efforts aimed at preventing global warming and global warming more than 2 degrees Celsius has been made in this century. The present study examined the effect of the implementation of this agreement on the sectors and variables of the Iranian economy with GTAP - E discussed. For this purpose, using two scenarios Shock effect of reducing the rate of growth of pollution from Carbon Dioxide by 4% and 12% which is considered as an indicator of pollution, first production and Price level sections and then on some macroeconomic variables were examined. Results microeconomic first scenario Which implies a 4% the reduction growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions The agricultural sector is that production unchanged and manufacture of other sectors, with the exception of two sector gas and industry increased, also the general level of prices in all sectors except for petroleum products and electricity sector faced with increasing and All three variables GDP, Investment and the consumer price index have increased as macroeconomic variables. During the second scenario which implies a 12% reduction in the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions again Agricultural production unchanged and only two sector gas and industry production increased.
