Locating suitable lands for artificial nutrition of groundwater aquifers using regional data and satellite images in Yazd province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health, Safety and Environment, Faculty of Basic Sciences and New Technologies, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Watershed Management Department, Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

4 Soil Science and Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran


In recent decades, increasing population, human needs and changing consumption pattern of communities, planning and management of water resources require more attention than before.‌‌ Groundwater water resource management strategies can be compensated for and exploitation of these resources through artificial recharge of aquifers. According to the overuse of groundwater, artificial recharge and to locate suitable sites for the performance of such projects is very important Therefore, in this study, we tried to integrate GIS and AHP model is the most suitable arena for artificial feeding methods operations in Yazd province were identified. First Data 11 Parameter impressive - slope, geology, thick alluvium, electrical conductivity, land use, water content accessible, portability groundwater, vegetation, hydraulic conductivity and layer away from the river area of study in the areas of GIS were prepared and then using the AHP (the weight) were weighed and then every 11 layers were combined. The results of this study showed that about 41/26% of the total area of the province (around 3690 km2) was diagnosed in terms of carrying out proper nutrition and poor nutrition are about 9 percent for the whole province.
