Determination of heavy metal concentrations (vanadium, lead, nickel, cadmium (in dust and comparison with pollution index and geoaccumulation index (Case Study: Downtown of Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Roudehen branch

2 Islamic Azad University, Research and Sciencs branch

3 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch


Heavy metals can be released on a large scale by bonding to dust particles. Urban vehicles transport significant amounts of heavy metals into the air. The main purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals in dust in downtown Tehran. For this purpose, in the city park and on the streets leading to it, dust samples were collected from the tables and the concentrations of heavy metals were determined. The mean concentrations of lead, vanadium, nickel and cadmium were 70.38, 43.90, 39.39 and 2.80 mg / kg, respectively. Accumulation index for nickel, 0.319 and vanadium 0.514, both metals in non-contaminated grade but for cadmium 0.969 in moderate contamination grade and 3.672 in highly contaminated grade. The contamination indices for nickel and cadmium are 1.833 and 1.954 which are at medium level and vanadium 0.772 which are at low level of pollution and 4.16 lead at high level of pollution. Fuel consumption, road surface wear and tires can cause heavy metals in the dust. Lead comes from sources such as leaded gasoline, oil.
